Raising Master Mason

Raising Master Mason

Last night, 10/16/23, Bolivar Masonic Lodge raised our newest Master Mason, Shane Acklie, pictured here with Master Brian Hoffman.

In Freemasonry, the process of “raising” a Master Mason refers to the completion of the third degree, which is the highest and most significant degree in Freemasonry. The term “raising” is used because it signifies the culmination of the candidate’s initiation and symbolizes their journey to full membership and understanding within the fraternity.

The raising of a Master Mason involves a ceremonial and symbolic ritual that is conducted within a Masonic lodge. Here are the key aspects of the process:

  • Preparation: Before the raising ceremony, the candidate typically undergoes preparation, which includes dressing in Masonic attire and removing any metal objects. The candidate may also be blindfolded, signifying their journey from ignorance to knowledge.
  • Lecture and Symbolism: The raising ceremony includes various lectures and symbolic elements. These teachings emphasize moral and ethical principles, the importance of self-improvement, and the pursuit of knowledge and truth. The story of Hiram Abiff, a central figure in Masonic symbolism, is often part of this degree and serves as a moral allegory.
  • Ritual Actions: The candidate participates in ritualistic actions, such as taking obligations and vows that are specific to the Master Mason degree. These obligations reinforce the candidate’s commitment to Masonic values, ethics, and the welfare of fellow Masons.
  • Symbolic Raising: The most distinctive part of the raising ceremony is when the candidate is symbolically “raised” from a recumbent position on the ground to an upright, standing position. This represents the candidate’s emergence from darkness (ignorance) to light (knowledge and understanding).
  • Secret Word and Tokens: During the ceremony, the candidate is entrusted with secret words, signs, and tokens that are part of the Masonic recognition system and are used to identify fellow Masons.

The raising of a Master Mason is a profound and solemn experience for the candidate and is meant to convey important moral and philosophical lessons. It marks the candidate’s full membership in the fraternity, granting them the rights and privileges of a Master Mason. The Master Mason degree represents the completion of the initial journey of a Masonic candidate and serves as the foundation for further Masonic education and personal growth within the fraternity.

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