
Lodge Officers

These Awesome Brothers Make It Happen

Tommy Barnes
Worshipful Master

Tommy Barnes

The role of the Worshipful Master in a Masonic lodge is the highest and most respected position. The Worshipful Master is the presiding officer and leader of the lodge, responsible for guiding its activities, fostering harmony, and upholding Masonic principles. The Worshipful Master's duties encompass both ceremonial and administrative aspects of the lodge's operation.
Ray Johnson

Ray Johnson

Senior Warden
The Senior Warden holds a significant leadership role and serves as the second-in-command to the Worshipful Master. The Senior Warden's duties encompass overseeing the lodge's external affairs, supporting the Worshipful Master, and assisting in the management of lodge activities.
Robert Dillin

Robert Dillin

Junior Warden
The Junior Warden holds an important and active role within the officer line. The Junior Warden is responsible for overseeing the craft during labor and assisting the Senior Warden and Worshipful Master in various lodge activities. The Junior Warden's duties involve supervising the lodge's internal affairs and ensuring the well-being and satisfaction of the members.
Charles Kesseler

Charles Kesseler

The Treasurer plays a critical role in managing the lodge's financial affairs and ensuring the proper stewardship of its financial resources.
Blake Williams

Blake Williams

The role of the Secretary in a Masonic lodge is crucial for the administrative functioning of the lodge.
Erik Rasch

Erik Rasch

Senior Deacon
The Senior Deacon holds a significant role that involves assisting with the movement of candidates, communicating messages, and ensuring the smooth flow of lodge proceedings and ceremonies. The Senior Deacon's duties often revolve around guiding candidates through their Masonic journey and maintaining proper communication between the Worshipful Master and other officers.
Mike Belew

Mike Belew

Junior Deacon
The Junior Deacon holds an important and active role in assisting with the flow of lodge proceedings and ceremonies. The Junior Deacon's duties often involve the movement of candidates and the communication between the Senior Deacon and the Worshipful Master.
Mike Green

Mike Green

Senior Steward
The Senior Steward, along with the Junior Steward, helps ensure the smooth functioning of lodge meetings and ceremonies.
Marvin Hillis

Marvin Hillis

Junior Steward
The Junior Steward, along with the Senior Steward, contributes to the smooth functioning of lodge meetings and ceremonies.
Shane Acklie

Shane Acklie

Tiler holds the role of the Outer Guard and is responsible for guarding the entrance to the lodge room. The tiler's duties involve ensuring that only authorized individuals are allowed access to the lodge meetings and ceremonies.
Dale Chegwidden

Dale Chegwidden

The Chaplain holds a significant and honorable role that focuses on providing spiritual guidance, moral support, and invoking blessings during various Masonic ceremonies and gatherings.
Mike Minter

Mike Minter

Master of Ceremonies
The Master of Ceremonies (often abbreviated as MoC) involves facilitating and overseeing the smooth conduct of Masonic rituals, ceremonies, and other lodge events. The Master of Ceremonies plays a crucial role in maintaining the proper flow, decorum, and symbolism of Masonic activities.
Brian Hoffman

Brian Hoffman

Immediate Past Master
The Immediate Past Master in a Masonic lodge holds a significant position that comes with various responsibilities and duties. This role is typically assumed by the Mason who has just completed their term as the Worshipful Master of the lodge. The office of Worshipful Master is the highest honor to which a lodge may appoint any of its members. The office is filled annually by election, often by secret ballot.

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