Briscoe Workshop

Briscoe Workshop

Your Committee on Masonic Education and Service (CMES) is pleased to offer the Briscoe Educational Program. Our intent is straightforward. Masons are busy. Masons and their lodges can more effectively manage their calendars and the scheduling of their educational programs if they have relevant and actionable information in their possession at a reasonable time of year and at a finite date. By offering a full calendar’s worth of material, the Worshipful Masters can strategically enhance their lodge’s educational absorption as they coordinate their calendars with the District Service Team (District Deputy Grand Master and District Instructor).

Much thought has been afforded in the development of the Randall E. Briscoe Program and we are hopeful this installment provides much value-added masonic education to the members of your Masonic District. The Program is a diverse assembly of topics that can be customized to maximize a learning experience in 1.5 hours or less.