Team RWB 2023

Team RWB 2023



In the military, service members push the limits of their well-being to support the mission. That selfless service posture has always been necessary because service members of every era knew they may be called to war. As they move into civilian life, many veterans carry that mission-first mindset with them, neglecting their health in the process.

We believe that veterans are America’s most resilient citizens — and it’s time for more veterans to prioritize their well-being first.

Team Red, White & Blue (Team RWB) exists to guide them through that journey with real-life and virtual opportunities focused on building a healthier lifestyle because a strong focus on mental and physical health is critical to ensuring veterans’ best days are ahead.

More than 200,000 members are already forging the nation’s leading health and wellness community for veterans.

Team RWB members share more than just values. We share an ethos – a set of guiding beliefs and ideals that characterize our community. An ethos persuades or inspires people to action…and that is what our organization is all about. While ethos can be sometimes hard to define, you certainly know it when you see it. Ethos is demonstrated, not stated.

The Eagle Ethos was crafted using six words that uniquely characterize Team RWB and distinguish our organization from others. While there are certain principles that all nonprofits should adhere to, these are the things that make our Team special. The Eagle Ethos can be clearly captured in an instant with a single snapshot or demonstrated over time. It can be displayed outwardly or held inside as fuel for action. But it is pervasive throughout Team RWB and known intimately by each team member who puts on that red shirt.

The Eagle Ethos is passion, people, positivity, commitment, camaraderie, and community…and Team RWB lives it in action every day.