
Charles Kesseler

Bolivar Masonic Lodge Past Master Charles Kesseler

Charles Kesseler

The Treasurer plays a critical role in managing the lodge’s financial affairs and ensuring the proper stewardship of its financial resources. The Treasurer’s duties involve overseeing financial transactions, maintaining accurate records, and providing financial reports to the lodge members. While the specific duties may vary based on the lodge’s practices and jurisdiction, here are some of the principal duties associated with the role of the Treasurer in a Masonic lodge:

  • Financial Management:
    • Receipt of Funds: The Treasurer receives and records all funds received by the lodge, including dues, fees, donations, and any other financial contributions.
    • Disbursement of Funds: The Treasurer manages the disbursement of funds for lodge expenses, such as rent, utilities, supplies, and charitable contributions.
  • Financial Records:
    • Maintaining Records: The Treasurer maintains accurate and organized financial records, documenting all income and expenditures in a clear and transparent manner.
    • Ledger Entries: The Treasurer records financial transactions in a ledger or accounting software, ensuring that all entries are complete and accurate.
  • Banking and Investments:
    • Bank Account Management: The Treasurer manages the lodge’s bank accounts, making deposits, withdrawals, and ensuring that account balances are reconciled.
    • Investment Oversight: If the lodge has investments, the Treasurer monitors investment performance and reports on investment activities to the lodge.
  • Budgeting and Reporting:
    • Budget Preparation: The Treasurer collaborates with other officers to create a budget for the lodge, estimating income and allocating funds for various expenses.
    • Financial Reports: The Treasurer provides regular financial reports to the lodge members, sharing information about the lodge’s financial health and activities.
  • Financial Controls:
    • Internal Controls: The Treasurer implements internal controls to safeguard the lodge’s financial assets and prevent fraud or misappropriation of funds.
    • Authorization: The Treasurer ensures that all expenditures are properly authorized and in accordance with lodge bylaws.
  • Tax Compliance:
    • Tax Reporting: The Treasurer may be responsible for filing necessary tax forms and reports on behalf of the lodge, ensuring compliance with tax regulations.
  • Auditing and Review:
    • Financial Audits: The Treasurer coordinates with auditors or a financial committee to conduct periodic audits of the lodge’s financial records for accuracy and transparency.
  • Membership Interaction:
    • Dues Collection: The Treasurer manages the collection of membership dues and ensures that members are informed about their financial obligations.
    • Member Inquiries: The Treasurer addresses member inquiries related to dues, fees, and financial matters.
  • Charitable Contributions:
    • Managing Charitable Funds: The Treasurer oversees any charitable funds held by the lodge, ensuring that donations are distributed according to the lodge’s charitable objectives.

The Treasurer’s role is vital for maintaining the financial stability and integrity of the lodge. Their careful management of funds, adherence to financial regulations, and transparent reporting contribute to the lodge’s responsible financial practices.
